
Main room both days: Klara Lunde, Auditorium

Thursday, April 20th   

Registration outside Klara Lunde: Name tag, conference folder and dinner ticket

      • Sign up for two seminars Thursday / Sign up for two self-care sessions Friday
      • VID Nursing students attendance registration: Marianne Morland Thursday and Friday                       

09.30-09.40 Welcome to VID, Dr. Karen Synne Groven, Vice-dean Research, Faculty of Health Studies

09.40-10.00 Key speaker: Spirituality: An active presence in the workplace. Dr. Barbara Parfitt, Emerita Professor of Nursing

10.00-10.15   Music by Maren Rolandsen, bachelor student VID (singer) and Dr. Stein Erik Fæø, Associate Professor VID (pianist)

10.15-10.45   Results from the Self-assessment questionnaire, EPICC Spiritual Care Education Standard.
                      Kristin Ferstad, Assistant Professor VID and Dr. Linda Rykkje, Associate Professor VID

10.45-12.30  Lunch and poster walk 

12.30-13.15   Keynote: Fostering ability and courage. Dr. Paul Otto Brunstad Professor, Western Norway University

13.15-13.50   Patient story: Simon and God, Part 1, Dr. Tove Giske, Professor VID

13.50-14.15   2Q-SAM and Spirituality/Spiritual care CPD, Dr. Linda Ross, Professor, University of South Wales
                       and Dr. Wilfred McSherry, Professor, Staffordshire University

14.15-14.30   Break 

14.30-15.15   Seminars (sign up for two seminars) 

      1. INTRApersonal Spirituality (Room: Klara Lunde, Chair: Tove Giske)
        Dr. Josephine Attard, University of Malta (Parenthood case)  
      2. INTERpersonal Spirituality (Room: Kari Martinsen A, Chair: Marianne Morland)
        Dr. Aliza Damsma-Bakker, Viaa University (Child case)
      3. Spiritual care: Assessment and planning (Room: Kari Martinsen B, Chair: Linda Rykkje)
        Dr. Piret Paal,
        Paracelsus Medical University (Palliative case)
      4. Spiritual care: Intervention and evaluation (Room: L312, Chair: Kristin Ferstad)
        Dr. Silvia Caldeira,
        Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Trauma case) 

15.15-15.30  Break with waffels outside Klara Lunde

15.30-16.15  Seminars 1-4 repeated 

      1. INTRApersonal Spirituality(Room: Klara Lunde, Chair: Tove Giske)
        Dr. Josephine Attard, University of Malta(Parenthood case)
      2. INTERpersonal Spirituality (Room: Kari Martinsen A, Chair: Marianne Morland)
        Dr. Aliza Damsma-Bakker, Viaa University (Child case)
      3. Spiritual care: Assessment and planning (Room: Kari Martinsen B, Chair: Linda Rykkje)
        Dr. Piret Paal,
        Paracelsus Medical University (Palliative case)
      4. Spiritual care: Intervention and evaluation(Room: L312, Chair: Kristin Ferstad)
        Dr. Silvia Caldeira,
        Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Trauma case)

16.15-16.20  Walk back to Klara Lunde auditorium

16.20-16.30 Summary of the day. Dr. Tove Giske


19.00-21.00 Dinner (pre-paid) in the cantina area outside Klara Lunde - Remember to collect your ticket

Friday, April 21st

09.00-09.15 Coffee, tea, and fruit (remember to sign up for two self-care sessions)

09.15-09.45 Key speaker: Self-care. Anthony Schwartz, Visiting Professor, Staffordshire University

09.45-10.00 Patient story: Simon and God, Part 2, Dr. Tove Giske

10.00-10.15   Break

10.15-11.15     Different Self-care sessions, 25 minutes each (sign up for two sessions)

      1. Creative arts (L610B), Dr. Eli Lea, artist and Anne Tveit Knutsen, artist
      2. Yoga (L610A), Dr. Adam Boughey, Staffordshire University
      3. Neck and shoulder relaxation (L310), Dr. Lynn Woods, Azusa Pacific University
      4. Christian meditation (K306), Tor Kristiansen, Bergen Retreat
      5. Prayer and conversation (Chapel), Kristin Lødøen Hope, student priest VID
      6. Music therapy (K402), Stine Andrea Sognnes, music therapist, Bergen municipality
      7. Mindfulness (K305), Berit Bårdsen, Emerita VID
      8. Walk and talk (meet outside front door), Kristin Ferstad and Dr. Linda Rykkje

11.15-12.15    Lunch and poster display

12.15-13.00  Panel discussion, led by Dr. Bart Cusveller, Professor, Viaa University

      • Question 1: What are the challenges in spiritual care and how can they be overcome? 
      • Question 2: What is the role of courage in spiritual care and how can it be fostered?  
      • Discussion summary by Dr. Wilfred McSherry

                      Panel members:

        • Marla Forrest, PhD-student, University of South Wales
        • Marie Davik, Bachelor-student VID
        • Solveig Olerud, Assistant Professor VID
        • Dr. Aliza Damsma-Bakker
        • Dr. Piret Paal
        • Dr. Sílvia Maria Alves Caldeira Berenguer

13.00-13.15  Break

13.15-14.00  Piano: Beethoven Sonate Op.13 "Pathétique" 1st Mov., Tonje Rykkje

                      Prize for best poster, Marianne Morland, PhD-student VID, lead of poster committee
                      Information about the next conference, Dr. Linda Ross
                      Concluding remarks, Dr. Tove Giske

Thank you all for participating!